Wide Backings

Sunday, February 25, 2018

T-Shirt Quilt & Winterruption recap

T-shirt quilts are a great way to showcase someone's hobby, or chronicle their life.  Make sure you fuse the shirts to a lightweight interfacing otherwise when you're quilting they are going to slither and slide all over the place.  This was beautifully pieced (and fused! 😀).

There was one shirt that was being particularly uncooperative.  It wasn't normal t-shirt jersey, it was more like a thermal knit.  I subdued it with a sheet of doctor paper and painters tape.  The paper was ripped off after quilting.  Worked like a charm.

Somehow during WINTERRUPTION we neglected to take any photos.  The weekend will just have to live in our memories (which is probably a guarantee that details will be pretty distorted).
The gals arrived on Thursday.  I felt quite sorry for them because of the horrid fog they had to drive through.  For supper I fed them Teriyaki Chicken Thighs with basmati rice, salad, and Maple Spiced Poached Pears.
Friday we were joined by Judy Lyons, the quilt appraiser from Burlington.  Diane had a couple of quilts that needed appraisals, so we enticed Judy with a delicious lunch.  I love visiting with Judy - she is always full of interesting stories, and she did not disappoint.
Saturday we went on our field trip to Dundas.  Lunch at the Thirsty Cactus (I can especially recommend the Pulled Pork Fries - OMG, delicious!!!), on to the Feathering Quilt Shop, bumming around up and down King Street, then heading up to hwy. 5 and the Dutch Mill Country Market.
On Sunday the girls left a bit before lunch and had an easy drive home, with blessedly NICE weather.
I spent Sunday afternoon finishing the Singapore Batiks tablecloth quilt top that's been on my UFO list for a few years now.  I can finally move it over the the TFUQ listing.
The week was spent nose-to-the-grindstone.  The coming week I'll be celebrating my birthday, then heading off on the weekend for the Binbrook Guild retreat where I can enjoy doing some more piecing on my Apple Core quilt.  

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