Wide Backings

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Quilt Show BOM 2014 and Apple Pie Help

This was the most wonderful, fun quilt to work on.  And before you ask,
  • NO I DON'T HAVE THE PATTERN.  I'm pretty sure you need to be a paid member of The Quilt Show, and it was a limited-time block of the month.
  • If you click on the photos it will take you to a film strip with the large version of the pics.

I did stitch-in-the-ditch on every. single. bit. of applique.

For the background quilting in the two borders, I treated them as one border and added the geometric square design to the feathers to tie them together.

I added some cutesey little elements, like the rabbit behind the sheep.

Where the letters had large round-ish spaces I placed the flower motif that was used around some of the appliqued circles.

The patchwork blocks were treated just like I would quilt them in a sampler quilt.

Last week I was telling you about the apples my wonderful neighbours gave me.  I made three apple pies on Thursday and zipped them right into the freezer.  I always make 'em three at a time because it takes one whole box of lard to get six single pastries.  Since I would prefer to give the dog a bath if I had a choice between that and making pastry, and that is not a fun job, I just get it over with.

Yesterday I made three more, and DH stuck around to help with the apple prep, while I did the pastry.  I explained to him that each pie required six cups of sliced apples, and in my head I figured about eight apples per pie = almost exactly what I had left in the bags, with a couple apples left over.
I should have been WATCHING him.  He did two lots of six cups each.  Then I think he decided "oh, f*ck it" (sorry - garage language) and put ALL the rest of the apples in the last batch.

Do you see how HIGH that left hand pie is???  Poor pastry was stretched to it's limit!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely quilt! your quilting is the icing on the cake!


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