Wide Backings

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

If today is Wednesday I must be in Tobermory

Tuesday, oddly enough, has run right into Wednesday.  It took me two days and a bit of seam-ripper use, but there are now 22 pillowcases ready for the serger (which I left at home).  After my glass of wine I will have to figure out what project to work on.  The UFO Challenge for September/October is the Double Wedding Ring and since October is getting close to being finished, that will probably win.  The poor thing hasn't left it's box since I was here LAST October.  Fabric should get a bit of attention at least once a year - don't you think?
I may need to have a little talk with the Blue Jays, too.  This is my SECOND retreat where I have been watching baseball on TV.  I'm all on board if they win the world series, but is it really necessary for them to do it during my girlie-sewing-drinking-eating time?
Oh, b.t.w., since I know you are curious - last night was mac 'n cheese, and tonight we are having turkey.  And yes, I went for a walk yesterday AND today. ☺


  1. I thought limes were scarce?. Who are pillowcases for?.?. I have to start thinking about making a few or several...we,ll see! Love the trees on railing...is it table runner?

    1. Limes are never scarce on retreat. :-)
      Pillowcases are for the November sale.
      Yes, the trees are table runners (there are several of them).


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