Wide Backings

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Red & Cream Sampler, zucchini report

This was the June beauty.  Only thirteen pieced blocks.

The rest was all empty space.  The request to use red thread gave me a slightly nervous stomach.  It shows every single wobble.  And every single stop/start.  I stared 'er down for a while, then put on my big girl panties and took a deep breath.
This was my first experience with a DOUBLE batt.  The bottom layer was Hobbs 80/20, then a Hobbs Wool was added on top.
This gives a gorgeous pouf to the quilting designs.

I am totally in love with that border design by Karlee Porter.

On the garden front, I got the rest of the redneck mulch put down (grass clippings on top of newspapers) so I have a path between the cutting garden and the veggie garden.  I weeded about half of the potato patch  but there is more to be done.  Woe is me, we have potato beetles.  I need to get out there with a bucket of soapy water and try to drown the bastards.  I have snow peas coming out my ying yang, so I've given away a bunch of those.  I picked four (!) raspberries this week and lots more are starting to turn red.  Yum, yum, yum.
Picked this week:  20  (all small ones, man-finger size.  I gave away 14 of them.)
Picked YTD:         30


  1. lol, I didnt know it was called redneck mulch!..but this is what we used a couple of years ago and it was great. Last year we got yards and yards of free mulch from a tree-cutting outfit. Not the prettiest mulch but the price was right.

    1. I love using newspaper - it does a great job of keeping the weeds at bay. I add the grass clippings to hold it down. The veggie garden needs to be hoed so much that some extra weeds from the grass is no bother.

  2. It's said that the quilting makes the quilt, and in this case, so true! Do you have a 'before' photo? Good on you for being a 'big girl' - it's beautiful. Greetings from New Zealand.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I do have a 'before' pic and the difference is amazing.

  3. WOW! That is stellar :) Is the design hand guided or computer assisted?

    1. Thanks! I used the I.Q. for all the motifs and the border. The s.i.d. and inside the pieced blocks was hand guided.

  4. I bet you are glad you put your big girl panties on! The quilt looks fabulous!

  5. That quilt looks amazing! Kudos to you for going forward with the red thread.


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