Wide Backings

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Red Hat Day at the Grimsby Beach Cottages

The Red Hat outing this month was a trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake for lunch and shopping.  That is such a beautiful city.  A total tourist trap, but still... beautiful.

Afterwards, on the way home we stopped in Grimsby to check out the Grimsby Beach cottages.  I have seen these written up in the newspaper but I've never actually been to SEE them.

Oh.  My.  Gawd. 

I am pretty sure if you poked around some of the yards you would find the Cat in the Hat, and Horton the Elephant.

Talk about living in candyland.

How often would these people have to paint????

Maybe they hire someone to recoat one colour every year.

Like, maybe 2015 is purple year.

Then 2016 might be yellow year.

I've stared at this pic trying to figure out what the hell those cutouts are.  Anyone???

Many of the gardens are gorgeous too.

Oh.  Dear sweet God in heaven.

The fences have not been ignored.

Fishies and flowers and vines.  Oh my.

Hmm.  After all those, this one actually seems a little boring.  Awfully pretty though.
Here is a wee bit of history on the community.
And here are some interior shots by the Hamilton Spectator.


  1. I think that's the idea with the fence - so one has to stare at them trying to figure them out. Lovely photos. Maybe the fence builder started out with trying to do something and it came out wrong so then he just figured he would make all the other fence slats different - correcting a mistake, sort of.

    1. That is a good technique when quilting, too! Don't rip out stitching - add MORE stitching.

  2. Wow!........Double U - O - Double U!!!!!

  3. How sweet! I have a hard time choosing my fav!


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