Wide Backings

Thursday, April 9, 2015

MQX Thursday (Thursday? Yes, Thursday)

You know how when you are out of town, you have NO IDEA what day it is?  Especially when you start your trip on a Tuesday.  Yeah.  That's me.  So.  Today I had two classes - the first was a Divide and Design class with Lisa Calle, who has a remarkably strong resemblance to my friend Jane.  Both of them are natural beauties.  Jane is a little bitchier. 😉  Anyhow...Ooh - good class.  Except for the part where my whole hand was completely BLACK from the pencil rubbing off the tracing paper.  And also transferring all over my WHITE sweater.  That is one of Lisa's quilts in the pic.  Certainly not mine. 

My second class today was with cutie Judi Madsen.  That was a ruler work class.  It was a great class, except that Judi quilts r.e.a.l.l.y. s.l.o.w.l.y.  Which is fine, except that the class was in the afternoon, when I am most likely to start doing the head-bobs.  So, I am currently in my room (after having purchased my SECOND cotton/wool blend batt) having a glass of wine and too many potato chips.  Pondering another nap.  It has quilt ... I mean QUIT snowing but yesterday's fluff has not melted.  Zzzzzz...


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself....How is Janice making out?

    1. Janice is brain - dead from so many hands-on classes. Having a great time, though!


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