Wide Backings

Monday, November 3, 2014

Scrappy Hourglass & 16-Patch

As you know, I love scrappy quilts.  This one includes everything but the kitchen sink.  It's fun to quilt these because the fabrics keep me amused.

The quilt maker is a cat lover, so we chose a cat pantograph.  Too cute!!

For the hundredth time I missed a call because I cannot keep my technology straight.  My work table is often quite, um, busy with objects, so when I determine where the ringy-dingy noise is coming from I just grab the grey thing with buttons.  I wish they'd find a different colour of plastic.
When I was in Tobermory with the Beach Girls, DH bought a bushel of Cortland apples for my private little fall pie-making festival.  I've got six pies in the freezer so far and I'll get probably another five done this week.  I was telling a friend yesterday, I wish there was a street drug called 'Apples'.  Then when someone asked me what I'd been up to, I could say "I've been doing Apples" and they would think I was really hip and edgy and hanging out at the clubs in my leather jeans.  Sigh.  If you're looking for me any night this week I'll be at the kitchen counter.  :-)

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