Wide Backings

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Panel With Piecing & UFO Challenge Update

The birds and flowers in the center is a panel.

That was surrounded by patchwork blocks.  I did some large x-hatching in the patchwork and added a featherey flower motif that echos the flowers that are at the top of the panel.

The panel was all outline quilted with additional quilting along the design lines.

Mmm.  Very pretty on the back.
Geez, I don't think I've mentioned this challenge here on the blog in... quite some time.  Ignorance is bliss, I guess.  Here is the current update.
As you can see, I have a couple of FAILsBUT I have four successes so far, and still five weeks to complete the current challenge item.  We three quilters have agreed that we'd like to participate in another UFO challenge in 2015.  Apparently we all need to feel like we're being chased by a zombie and a finished UFO is the admission to the safe house.
So what happened with my 'fails'?  
#3, the Bowtie Quilt came up on the list when I was hobbling around with the stupid cast & crutches.  This is a three dimensional bowtie quilt (if you're familiar with those) so it MUST be custom quilted, otherwise Floyd's hopping foot would get caught up in the bowties and start ripping things.  Not a good idea. 
#6, the Piece 'O Cake applique quilt?  No excuse really.  I just never got around to pulling out the light box and marking up a new block.  May/June is the start of gardening season and I'm always so anxious to go out and get my fingernails muddy & broken.  (It's a very attractive look, no?)  Like I said, no excuse really.  Maybe I will do better next year.

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