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Monday, September 15, 2014

Log Cabin Quilt, Garden update

Log Cabin quilts are one of my favorites.  They are so traditional, but you can change them in many ways.

In this case, the background colour of the fussy-cut log center dictated the colour choice for the logs.  In the coloured sections this was quilted with stitch-in-the-ditch.  The mauve bands were done with a feather design - a triangle motif that was flipped this way and that way.

Pretty back.
The ZUCCHINI is toast.  Done.  Finito.  Dead in the water.  Total count this year:  59 fruits.  Not bad, considering what a cool summer it has been.  Yeah - technically it IS still summer, even thought the nightime temp this past weekend was supposed to be 4 c.
On Sunday I harvested the hot chili peppers, the oregano, and the basil.  All of them went in the dehydrator making the house very, um, fragrant.  Lemme tell you - basil is a particularly fragrant herb.

DH has been picking off the green tomatoes which will never ripen, allowing the bigger fruits to mature.  Hopefully.  I want to do a batch of salsa for the canner with these, so they'd better co-operate.  We still have a load of potatoes out there, and enough green beans (maybe) for one meal.  I'm hoping the tardy cabbage will keep growing, since they are cool season lovers.

My big excitement is a new customer whose daughter owns a mushroom farm.  When I get the remainder of the mulch unloaded from the trailer (which has been there for months because of the stupid fractured foot) I'll call her and get over there to load up a pile of mushroom compost for the veggie bed.  Mmm.  I should have some smokin' hot asparagus next year!!  For once, I'd like to get the garden bed all cleaned up in the fall, with compost spread and rototilled before winter.  That may cost me some of my spring volunteers of lettuce and cilantro and dill, but they are persistent little buggers and will likely show their faces in my cutting garden.

Note to self:  do you realize you just said you were all excited about used-up poop?

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