Wide Backings

Monday, August 25, 2014

Parasol Ladies Finished and Zucchini Report

This turned out so pretty.  The Prairie Points around the edge add a bit of a challenge when quilting because 1)  they add a lot of bulk on the edges when the quilt is rolled, and 2) you have to stay an inch or so away from them when quilting so they (and the backing) can be turned and slipstitched closed.
I placed a motif in the white cornerstones, a motif in the sashing, then outline quilted the embroidery and added curls to fill the background.
Very pretty on the white back.
As far as my recovering fractured foot - I am back on my feet (heh, heh - pun!!) for the most part, with a bit of a limp.  The foot hurts and the ligaments/tendons in the front of my ankle hurt from a month of disuse.  But the show must go on.  Today I have many stiff muscles in my lower extremities because I spent several hours yesterday weeding and harvesting in the veggie garden.  I have green beans coming out my ying-yang so I made a mad dash (by car) to a couple of the neighbours and foisted beans on them.  I took some to my nephew last night and I'm taking more to a friend today (I'm taking zucchini for her too.  But let's just keep that between us for now, ok?).  That will STILL leave me with enough in the fridge for a couple of meals.  But that's ok - I'm happy to eat those.  It's when I have so many that I can't put them in the fridge that I start to get frantic.

On the CANNING front, Saturday netted me 8 jars of Plum Sauce and 6 jars of Orchard Fruit Chili Sauce.  Even my poor stove was exhausted by 7 pm Saturday.

Picked this week:  8
Picked YTD:        49

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