Wide Backings

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Scrappy Quilt, Gift Quilt, Strawberry Jam, Stash Report

Here is a "Majestic Mountains" quilt that I made with the Scrappy Club.  Link to pattern here.

This was a nice easy quilt to make, but use caution - all the block edges are BIAS.
I used up some crap unfavorite fabrics on the back.  ($1/yd for the red stuff, about 10 years ago - the only thing I loved about that was the price)  Now it just needs binding.

Here's one that I'm making as a gift for my friend's daughter.  This is really cute (if I do say so myself, ha ha ha).  This is based on one I found on the internet, then I made up a pattern.
I had a little OOPSIE with the pattern, not realizing that EQ thought the blocks were 6" when in reality they are 5".  Yeah - technology is only as good as the operator.  The whole quilt was too small, which meant more blocks were required.  I have ideas for quilting floating around in my head.  Now to get the ideas OUT of my head and INTO my quilting machine.  Easier said than done sometimes.

On the ACTIVITY front:
  • made 15 cups of Strawberry/Orange/Banana jam.  Mmmm... Today, to celebrate, I had toast & jam for breakfast instead of oatmeal.  Did I already say "mmmm..."?  I made mine from the Bernardin Canning book, but here is the SAME RECIPE on the net.
  • Weeded, then shoveled about 10 carts of mulch around the yard.  Still much more to do, both weeding AND shoveling.  Last night I made a lovely chicken-ceasar salad with red and green romain lettuces from the garden.  Yum.
  • Assisted our niece with move number 13 in six years.  Seriously.  I have never met anyone who moved so much.  This time she moved for a real job though, so hopefully she will be staying put for a while. Downtown Toronto. Ick.  Not a fun place to drive. My duties (since I had brought a book with me) were to sit downstairs at the loading dock/garbage dumpsters area where our trucks were parked.  I was to phone my b.i.l. upstairs if the garbage men came to empty the dumpsters, because our trucks were in the way and they'd require moving.  Whew.  Almost broke a nail. :-)
  • Quilting and quilt-making, as you can see above.
Used since last report 9 m
Used YTD               54.2 m (averaging 9 m/month!)
Added since last report   0
Added YTD            115.75 m
NET 2014               +61.55 m  - it's coming down bit by bit.

On the I-Am-Such-An-Idiot front:  While carrying out my 'sit in the truck' duties I threw a bottle of water in my purse.  It was 3/4 full.  I had not closed the lid.  I noticed when I wondered why my leg was wet.  Pfftt.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have some of that "crap" oops I mean unfavourite fabric too! Downtown Toronto, hopefully it wasn't on a Friday night. I was in Barrie for a month and didn't go anywhere near the 400 on a Friday especially after 3 pm. It's crazy!


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