Wide Backings

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Eat-At-Home days 2 & 3

What the hell?  DH is doing better than me!  And he doesn't even know we're involved in this challenge. Because I was at guild for supper on Wednesday, that does not count as food eaten at home, obviously.  However, the church ladies served us a meal that I could have made at home from what is on hand, so as far as I am concerned, I'm only quasi-failing.  :-)

Tuesday breakfast - same oatmeal as Monday
Tuesday lunch - same yogurt as Monday (yup, as you can see, I am livin' the wild life here)
Tuesday supper - wrapaninis (a DH invention (?) - make a wrap, then put it in the panini press.  These are very good.)  Also - a few spears of asparagus FROM THE GARDEN.  Also coleslaw and cut up veggies.
Tuesday snacks - cheese & crackers with my evening glass of wine while watching Mad Men.
Wednesday breakfast - same oatmeal.  You may find this gets boring really quick.  :-/
Wednesday lunch - leftover chicken teriayaki with rice from Monday's supper.
Wednesday afternoon - chocolate covered almonds with ginger tea, to ease my stress while DH was adjusting the wheels on Floyd.
Wednesday supper at the church - sweet 'n sour meatballs, rice, coleslaw, sweet potatoes, frozen peas (pfft - they cooked 'em, silly!), raw veggies, pumpkin pie with ice cream. 
Wednesday supper for DH - What DH had for supper is a mystery.  He was asleep when I got home from guild, and I forgot to ask him this morning before he took off for parts unknown.  Evidence in the sink leads me to believe that he made himself a wrap or two.  Last week at Costco we bought the gargantuan size cold cut packages, so...

Today I'm going out with the Red Hats to Chef Rosa's.  She's gonna teach us to cook!  (ha ha, better late than never!)  We will be doing the Bacon Mania class.  So it looks like today will be another fail as far as this challenge goes.  But hey!  Maybe I will have all the ingredients at home for today's concoction, too?  note to self:  stop saying GONNA.  That is a terrible, LAZY word.

Here is where I left off work yesterday...

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