Wide Backings

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Cats, Garden, Stash

Some of the blocks from the March/April challenge quilt:
Quiet, well behaved kitty (pfftt.  We all know THAT'S a fantasy)

Kitty wants fish for dinner

Kitty flying high (hmm - smoking something interesting, perhaps?)

Kitties pretending they are Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, singing in the rain

Kitty with a belly-ache, can't believe she ate the whole fish

Hurrah... the asparagus is up!!!  By this time next week we should be getting a meal from here.

Hurrah... the volunteer lettuce seedlings are up!!!  DH wanted to know how I'm able to identify these.  Well, they are in the right spot.  They are the right shape.  They are the right colours.  I've been checking for them every few days for the past couple of weeks and they've finally appeared.  Therefore, they MUST be lettuce.  If not, dear Lord, I'll be feeding him weeds.  :-)
I have burnt myself quite crispy today - it was a gorgeous day, which I spent in the veggie garden digging out overwintered weeds.  The garlic that I planted last spring (which I thought had died out from being bullied by the phlox) is all up so I cleaned that area too.  When I came in at 5 o'clock I cut and split a couple of large leaves from an aloe vera plant, and gooed up my frighteningly red arms.  I'm pretty sure I will stick to the sheets tonight.

Now that those Batik Cats are finally finished, here is the stash report:
Used this report:  9.2 m
Used YTD:        45.2 m
Added this report:   0 m (good girl!!)
Added YTD:    113 m (apparently I'm not always a good girl)
Net YTD:       + 67.8 m  Hmm.  Bad number.  Hopefully over the next seven months I'll get this back into the red zone, with a net minus number.

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