Wide Backings

Sunday, March 2, 2014

T-shirt Quilt, Stash Report, UFO Challenge, Birthday (mine!!)

DH was trying to throw out tshirts that somehow shrank over the years.  Shrank?  Really?  I pulled them back out of the trash and quilted them up.  There are too many thoughts and stories connected with these!

I even quilted a tractor in the bottom corner for him.
This used up more of my stash - yaay.  In my head it let me justify buying a wee bit more.  Boo! bad Helen, bad.  Sometimes I wonder what I'll do if I use up all my stash?  Then I laugh and laugh at the nonsense of that idea, and get back to reality.


Used this month:  11.9m
Used YTD:         23.75m
Added this month: 2.25m
Added YTD:         2.25m
Net YTD:          -21.5m

I took the Red Hats to Burlington to see the John Willard quilt exhibit, then we headed down the road to the Oakville Sewing Center.  This was a shop recommended to me by a customer and was definitely worth the drive.  I looove word fabric so picked up a bit of that, and the button print has a planned use on my current 'scrappy' quilt.  So it's all good.
I celebrated another birthday last week, and Mother Nature was true to form.  Another blinding snow storm, but at least this one was short lived.

I got lots of FB birthday wishes and lots of cards in the mail, and even a couple of Happy Birthday songs via telephone.
I know that if the snow ever melts and I manage to GO anywhere, there are friends out there who love me.  And as you can see, some of them know me pretty well.  :-)

The sticker was on the back of my card from Margaret, and she's the driving force behind this year's UFO challenge.  For the March/April time slot she pulled #5, which you may recall I was super-motivated about and already completed.  I have replaced #5 with these Batik Cats that I collected several years ago.


1 60's Dresden Plates TFUQ.  This is the January project, regardless of number drawn. jan/feb complete jan 18
2 Blooming 9-Patch Needs outer border, then quilting.
3 Bowtie Quilt TFUQ.
4 Double Wedding Ring Pieces are cut.  Stitching to be started.
5 Brown Bats blocks from BOM Replaced with Batik Cats Top to be made, quilted & bound. Mar/Apr BATS complete jan 23
6 Piece 'O Cake Quilt Hand applique.  One block must be done for challenge.


  1. Happy Birthday....I always enjoy your posts, your beautiful quilts and the t-shirt quilt is inspiration for me. I have a niece who is wanting me to make a quilt out of her daughters onesies. Thinking I will treat them like you would a t-shirt quilt, what do you think?


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