Wide Backings

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sampler Love and Bad Thread Day

I'm just going to BORE you and tell you again about how much I love sampler quilts.

With every block being different, the neurons are FORCED into firing.

It's important to use similar elements in the blocks to create continuity & rhythm.
My Janet Lee's Favorite ruler gets a very good workout on all the stitch-in-the-ditch and straight line quilting.
Ooh - love the border!!


Who was the fucking rocket scientist who decided we have to step outside our box and try something new?  Jesuschristgoddammit.  Look at this shit.  Every damned row of the panto the thread shredded AT LEAST once.  Often more.  Fucking polyester.  This is being BANNED and sent to the drawer of bobbin-thread-only.  Once again, I am swearing off of poly and promising to stick with my tried-and-true cotton threads.  But just like ya go back to the 'bad' boyfriend because he's changed his ways (don'tcha know?) I will probably try this again in a few years.


  1. Have you considered contacting the manufacturer of that polyester thread to see if they have a solution to your problem with that breaking thread?

  2. Maureen I have NEVER had good experiences with poly thread and I've had four different machines. Even a Nolting rep couldn't get poly to play nice. I know most longarmers use poly all the time because they can't work with cotton :-) . I am happy with cotton, so I'll go back to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

  3. THANK YOU for being a normal human being and venting!!! I laughed and laughed and was able to go back to ripping out some threads.


    1. I'm glad I made you laugh. If you're ripping you probably needed a break.

  4. I find that when I run polyester thread, I have to back the tension right off, like when I am using monofilament. That said, I choose the quilt carefully, and NEVER when I am under the pump and have to get it done in a short time frame. And some fabrics are just a disaster with the poly thread. Maybe speak with Penny B, she runs it all the time and sings it's praises from the rafters.

    1. Honestly, Lizzy, life is too short for me to dink around with things that don't want to play nice. I'd rather just QUILT, you know?

  5. I pretty much only make pieced & tied blankets for Project Linus and had been using Coats Dual Duty thread, which used to be cotton-covered polyester. Worked like a charm in my domestic White sewing machine. I have discovered, to my cuss-word filled dismay, that Dual Duty is now 100% polyester. This is after buying a half-dozen large spools of the stuff! It shreds, generates static electricity and won't stay threaded, and is a #*(&$ to hand sew with! It looks like I am going to have to shell out bigger bucks from my very limited sewing budget and buy 100% cotton thread just to keep my sanity. I agree with you that life is too short to deal with this #$#&*!


    1. Frances, I feel your pain. And your cussing. ha ha...
      You CAN still use that stuff in the bobbin.

  6. Just had similar experience with the shit on Saturday...ready to pull my hair out.....but I know others love it so I tried it.....not for me thank you very much and I agree with you wholeheartedly......
    Glad I am not the only person who can swear off certain things.....trilobal poly is one of them


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