Wide Backings

Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Two Projects

The two black polka dot blocks are finished and ready for guild at the end of the month.
The 35 batik cats have their first round attached. I will add sashing later then stitch 'em together.
Todays project is the start of a Double Wedding Ring quilt.  I'm glad I have the whole queen size quilt cut out.  Now that part of the first row is stitched it is quite apparent I would be a big QUITTER otherwise. So far, I think this quilt might actually wear out a seam ripper. :-o

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when i started my double wedding ring quilt! Don't give up, it does get easier and easier, by the time you are done you will love it. I would have quit on mine but it was the only quilt my granddaughter ever asked me for. Have fun!


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