Wide Backings

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Disappearing 9-Patch, Wildlife, Stash Report

Hey!  I finished the Disappearing 9-Patch! This just needs a label and then it's being donated to Quilts of Valour.  These are super-simple to make.  A link HERE for the instructions.

I've seen these totally random and scrappy.  I'm not crazy about them without a theme, so I was more structured in my fabric choice.  Every block had a yellow center surrounded by blue.  The corner units were scrappy reds.  Once this is cut apart you get a nice continuity in the quilt.
All of my patches were cut at 5", and I made 30 of the 9-patch blocks.  After adding a 2 1/2" outer border this finished at 69" x 82".

Mmm - I'm lovin' this new panto:  Undulating Leaves.

On Saturday we got a surprise visit from Mr. Snowy Owl.  When he took off his wing span was pretty darned impressive.  Hopefully he was hunting the stupid rabbit I showed you last week.
Used since last report 6 m
Used YTD         17.85 m
Added since last report 0
Added YTD  0000 (heh, heh, heh, back-patting)
Net YTD        (-17.85 m)

In spite of last night's light dusting of snow which made outside look really pretty, I am so sick of winter!!!  The back patio and the driveway are total sheets of ice.  I haven't been for a walk since Tuesday.  Why do we live here??  Should we move to Singapore and become the favorite/closest relatives of my great-niece?  One of my customers gave me a gift of a six month subscription to The Quilt Show - my exercise these days is winging the computer monitor around and getting on the torture machine while I watch Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims videos.  Yesterday I watched an episode on Scrap Quilts.  Next up I will learn all about hexies.  The site also has a bunch of puzzles from quilts, which I am totally addicted to.  sigh.  Spring, where are you?

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