Wide Backings

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

UFO Challenge 2014

I am participating in another UFO challenge this year.  Without a couple other gals to kick my butt I am likely to keep these projects hanging around for a looong time.

This is supposed to be a stress-free challenge because we get TWO months for each item.  We agreed to preselect item #1 for Jan/Feb, then Margaret will draw a number on the first of March, May, July, Sept. and Nov.
1 60's Dresden Plates TFUQ.  This is the January project, regardless of number drawn. jan/feb done jan /14
2 Blooming 9-Patch Needs outer border, then quilting.
3 Bowtie Quilt TFUQ.
4 Double Wedding Ring Pieces are cut.  Stitching to be started.
5 Brown Bats from BOM Top to be made, quilted & bound. top done jan
6 Piece 'O Cake Quilt Hand applique.  One block must be done for challenge.
The other girls are going to throw me out of the group - I've already finished #1, and I'm almost finished #5.  No, those are not MY toys on the floor.  This quilt has ended up to be the perfect size for the Chemo Quilts we donate to Juravinski Hospital, so that's where it will go.
#5 - the Brown Bats won from the Binbrook Guild Block of the Month
The taskmaster.  Also, owner of the toys in above pic.
The POLAR VORTEX is back. I was awake at 4:30 this morning and it was friggin' cold in here!  The taskmaster was squirming herself around, getting more horizontal on the bed, trying to push me out with her arse.  I got out of bed at 5:50 and came down to throw a couple more logs on the fire and make a nice yummy pot of oatmeal.
I'm going to the Caledonia Guild sewing day today (it's an extra UFO day!) to see if I can get some socializing stitching done. I've been inside so much this winter I'm beginning to feel like Howard Hughes, but without the money.

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