Wide Backings

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Quilts for Sale and Stash Report

I've been working at adding a page (see the page links above) of my quilts for sale.  This is a work in progress - I have PLENTY more to add.  Please send this along to anyone you know who might be looking for some quality, hand made goods.

My vibrant assistant, hard at work.  Hmph.

Used this month    8.85
Used YTD           8.85
Added this month    0 - HAH!  I've been very good so far!
Added YTD           0
Net 2014            -8.85

This yardage used represents the vintage Dresden Plate quilt in my previous post. 
I'm currently working on finishing the hand stitching on the binding.  If you check you will see that this quilt was supposed to have been finished in 2011 when I was participating in the UFO challenge hosted by Patchwork Times.  Yup, right on schedule, over 2 years late. 

Book Report:
I just finished reading Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood.  Excellent book!!!  I still had this on hand (from the library) when s.i.l. was here over New Years so she read it too. This is book one from a trilogy that ends with MADDADDAM.  I've just gotten book two The Year Of The Flood from the library.  We'll see how that is...


  1. Wish I could find a spot of sunshine and take a nap! Congrats on your finish.

  2. LOL - I have a vibrant assistant like that too!


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