Wide Backings

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Psst. Want a Quickie??? And Best Before Dates. And Stash Report.

This is a great way to use a couple of beautiful fabrics.  The center panel is a full width.  You can make a small baby quilt by using .75 m. of fabric which makes the center about 30" x 40".  You can make a throw quilt by using 1.5 m. of fabric, making the center 40" x 60".  Please forgive me for mixing my metric and imperials, but that's the world we Canadian quilters habitate.

A narrow, dark border frames the piece, then a wide outer border adds a punch of colour.  If you want to get all fancy about this you can add some raw edge applique.

Make this in the MODERN style and add some piecing on the back.  Cool.
Since Hallowe'en is over I went to the dermatologist to have some lumpy bumpys removed.  Good Lord!  $300.00 for two little things.  One she cut out of my leg then stitched up.  The other got freezer-burnt with liquid nitrogen.  That nasty thing swelled up into a huge (!) blood blister that I am continuously draining. Still.  Five days later.  Gross.  Two days after the dermatologist, my foot spontaneously spasmed and bruised when I took a piece of pie over to my favorite chair.  Honestly.  Now I have a huge black & blue toe.  I am starting to think of myself as that weird container in your fridge that is all fuzzy and green.  It maybe used to be spaghetti (?) but it sure isn't now.  I should put on my reading glasses (since I can't see shit without them any more) and check the inside of my lip for the Best Before date.  I'm pretty sure I expired a while ago.

Finally, a finished top.
Used since last report 10.75m
Used YTD 61.5m
Added since last report 0.  Zero.  Yay.
Added YTD 26m.
Net 2013 (- 35.5m)

At the Caledonia guild we started a monthly Scrappy Club to help us deal with our surplus of fabrics.  I started this at our first meeting in August.  The palette is blues, greens, and muslin.  I'm almost the LAST one to finish this project, but since I also made the biggest one I'm not necessarily as pokey as you might think.  This is a queen size that is now in the TFUQ pile.  It's a free pattern - Boxy Stars - from Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville website.   The link is here.


  1. Just wanted to let you know I loved your post! And I'm stealing TFUQ - LOVE IT! ~Melanie :)

  2. Wow - love that Boxy Stars quilt - congrats on a big finish!

  3. очень красивый квилт - увидела и влюбилась :)

    1. Google translate: very beautiful quilt - I saw and fell in love

  4. Congrats on the finish. Your scrappy Boxy Stars turned out great.

  5. GO BACK TO THE DERMATOLOGIST!!! My hubby has had many, many LN treatments all over his body and Never had that happen...

    1. I did phone the office - apparently blood blisters are not uncommon. Just blood seeping into the blister that normally forms with this treatment. Messy and very unattractive, but all I need to do is keep it clean.


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