Wide Backings

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What a Difference One Line Makes (and more cooking blah blah blah...)

What a beautiful quilt - love the prairie points inset in the border!  As it appears in this photo, the quilting just didn't look... finished.  The yellow and the blue/green rectangles looked... poochy & sloppy.

I added one line of stitching in each piece, and VOILA.  Perfect.

DH and I went for our daily quasi-regular walk with Sadie.  For weeks now, I have been eyeing the wild pear tree at the side of the road.  Since DH is a foot taller than me, I sent him splooshing through the mucky ditch to grab me some pears for an Autumn Fruit Flan.  The recipe is from the Milk Calendar many years ago and I cook up one of these flans at least once a year.  Delicious.  Recipe HERE.

Since he was scavenging for me, he figured he would also scavenge for our niece.  Our pockets were completely full of stolen food by the time we got home.  She was bemoaning the fact that she cannot find FRESH edamame at any of her local markets.  Now that we've scraped up this bag of soybeans (with a bit of gravel) off the side of the road, she can grow her own.  The farmers have been harvesting and their grain bins are not exactly sealed.  There are always little piles at the side of the road.  Click on this LINK for your Wikipedia lesson on Edamame.

When I picked up my quilts from the Simcoe Fair (along with my big fat CHEQUE :-) ) I stopped at the orchard again and got 10 lbs. of Spy apples.  Here is one 5 lb. bag, all closed up with pastry.  Yum yum yum.  I will be making 3 more pies today with the other 5 lb. bag.  Sheesh - I should get a life!

Any suggestions for the leftover pastry trimmings?  I always throw them out, but it KILLS me because there is enough here for at least another bottom crust.  I assume that rerolling this would make it tough and crappy, like store-bought pastry. Yes?  No?

Yesterday while I was slaving away over a hot needle and a beautiful quilt, DH was up in the kitchen staying busy.  Holy smackeroonies!!  You readers should send your hubbies over here for lessons.  Fresh pizza dough made for the crust.  Fresh sauce made.  Toppings of bbq chicken, bacon, red, yellow & hot peppers, onions, and lots of mozzarella.  And the bonus part - I wore off all the calories running up and down the stairs to find the spices that were all clearly labelled, but apparently invisible.
The zucchini and BS reports will arrive later...


  1. The only thing I have ever come up with using the left over pie dough for is fried pies. I too hate throwing it away! Tried using all the scraps for another pie crust but you are right...tough crust.

  2. My mom always rolled out left over dough & put brown sugar & cinnamon on it, rolled up jelly roll style & we kids had our own individual pies....yummy but the aroma lingers on.


    1. Cinnamon sugar has gotten 2 votes, mini turnover pies is another suggestion.

  3. Cinnamon and sugar was de riguer when I was growing up and then my kids loved it as well. Did you ever finish your butterfly border quilt? Lurking LInda

    1. Linda, that quilt is coming with me on my retreat this week. Hopefully it will come home as a TFUQ. :-)

    2. Wonderful! Hope you had a terrific retreat! I taught a workshop that weekend that was very successful. We worked on Twister Jack--have you seen that pattern? Such a cute little pumpkin!

  4. Have we seen the quilt that you entered into the fair - the one you got big bucks for?

    1. The big winnings were for a BUNCH of quilts. The award was 'most points' in the quilts category. I entered 9 quilts, so the points added up.

  5. Well, let me just say I have to comment on at least three topics in this one post. First....what?!? You canot toss that beautiful dough. Cinnamon sugar for sure. Reminds me so much of being a little girl and my mom baking pies.

    Secondly, I am laughing... Running up and down to find those missng spices !!! Have you been at my house helping my husband? It sounds like it.

    Third, adding the line of stitching? Perfect! I returned a quilt to a customer recently that should have been quilter with those lines.

    Thanks of or sharing your stories. I'm going on my retreat next weekend. Just south of Yosemite national Park


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