Wide Backings

Sunday, August 11, 2013

JAWS, Scraps, Garden, Stash Report

I am a very organized person, cutting all my leftover scraps into strips and storing them neatly.
Sometimes I just don't have time so I fold them neatly and store them in this little post-officey box that Jean gave me years ago.  I'm going to cut these later.  Really.

It appears that my little post-officey box thing is crammed full and fabric is falling all over the shelf, so I had to resort to a cardboard box.  Out of sight, out of mind.  (somebody's out of their mind, but we won't go there today)
I am not the only one with the problem, though.  The Caledonia Guild has started a new Scrappy club, and we've picked a pattern from Quiltville as our first project.  Boxy Stars uses 2 1/2" strips so I put JAWS to work.  These muslin strips had all been cut in years gone by, and were hanging neatly in the first pic.

I laid them out on the 2 1/2" strip die in the opposite direction and hacked up over 400 squares in no time flat.  I love you JAWS.  I am going with a palette of blues & greens, although I don't have the greens cut yet so that might change.  Maybe I won't have enough green scraps.  insert me laughing maniacally.  I actually have so much fabric I could probably hide the Titanic. In my basement.  No one would ever find it.
Used this month 9.4 m - this was the Calgary quilt.
Used YTD 47.75 m
Added this month 0
Added YTD 24 m
Net YTD (- 23.75 m) Yay.  The next reported numbers may be bad... Grand Rapids quilt show is this week and I already know I'm bringing home wide backing.  But when I get the scrappy BOXY quilt done I will have more 'used' to report.

Here is this year's garden.  From the top down...
  • flowers in the cutting garden with the asparagus on right side of the phlox
  • potatoes on the right hand side 
  • butternut squash - I planted 2 hills of 3 seeds per hill.  It's a good thing we are digging the potatoes because the squash is getting very, um, NEEDY about space and is encroaching on the sweet potatoes and the cabbage.  Every day I fling the vines over my shoulder and relocate them.  I feel very 'you tarzan, me jane'.
  • the bottom corner contains zinnias, peppers, beets that the rabbit missed (the little bastard), cilantro, cabbage, and more zinnias.

At the other end of the garden I have the onions, the beans (sewing number three.  Damned rabbit!!!), and oh, lookvolunteer butternut squash - three of them taking over this side of the garden, encroaching on my tomatoes.  And some volunteer sunflowers in the bottom left corner.  Geez.  Somebody should straighten those fence posts.

We are going to have a BUMPER crop of butternut squash.  Because the zucchini is being very manageable this year I may have to change tactics and quit with the zucchini report - and start a BS report.  Ha ha, I could include lots of BS tidbits.  Like, I could tell you that I'm organized.  Oh, I've already pulled that one on you? Right.

Anyhow.  Here's the zucchini minding it's own business, living in the grass compost.  Sitting very cozy with the rabbit trap (empty, as you can see).
Picked this week: 5 (gave away 1)
Picked YTD 26
I have a couple in the fridge, but mostly I've been cutting them up and putting them in my salad.  DH sliced one really thin and put it in my panini the other night.  Somehow  he did not get any in HIS panini.  Odd, don't ya think?


  1. Found this through Judy's blog. I laughed out loud at the rabbit comments. Good luck with all the BS. =)

  2. Great stash busting! Have fun with your scrap quilt. I need to one of those too, the scraps seem to multiple on their own!

  3. Love your work on JAWS. Wanna do some for me? The Boxy Stars is a really nice quilt. Have fun with it.
    I may send this post to my daughter in BC since they have a huge garden too. There's a high fence around it to keep out the deer but for some reason, one or two got in last year. That was an exception, though.


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