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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dog, Red Hats, Garden...

Looks pretty innocent, doesn't she?  I was sitting on the lawn swing, working on the Sudoku after supper, minding my own business when I hear "crunch, crunch, crunch".  Huh??  I look over at Miss Innocent and see that she's eating - like maybe a hunk of wood, I'm thinking.  Um, no.  Peter Rabbit.  
eeuww - gross  
I had to go fetch DH (aka Great White Bwana) to remove the remains.  On the plus side, that's one less bean-stealer-beet-nibbler-sweet-potato-stalker.

Red Hat Day was pizza, then off to Margaret's new place which is a 5 minute walk away from the beach at Rock Point Provincial Park. Four of us plunked on our Red Hats, braved the heat, and went for a walk. The rest of the gals relaxed in Margaret's a/c and talked about us discussed politics.  It would have been a steamy discussion, because it has been about 200 degrees outside for the past week.
Zucchini Report
Picked 9 so far.  Several more are on the plants.  They don't seem to mind living in the compost pile but I've been making sure to water them at least every two days because the compost is not exactly a water-holder.

If you recall a few weeks ago I posted my latest scrappy quilt - yellows & greens.  I've entered that on Quilting Gallery's weekly contest.  Go vote for me!!  I'm #58, titled "SPRING".  You are allowed to vote for 6 quilts, so the other 5 could actually be your favorites.  Voting is open until 6 pm, Monday July 22. Here is the link.   (Yes, shamelessly plugging myself...)


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