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Monday, April 23, 2012

Binbrook Show & Cincinnati Pics

If you missed the Binbrook quilt show on the weekend you can check out a lovely slide show here, which was made by a fellow blogger. Now... on to the Cincinnati AQS Show Bus Trip.

Diane is the most wonderful tour guide, keeping all of her 'chicks' in line.

The hotel loves Diane, too. Karen and I roomed with Diane, and we got into the goodies before Diane even saw them. Bad of us, eh?

At the show, Karen hummed and hawed, but finally broke down and bought the Tutto Machine Case for her new sewing machine. She made me laugh because she would not put it down and pull it - she carried it all the way back to the hotel. Probably trying to burn off a few more calories after eating Diane's crackers.

And there is always a little shoe shopping that goes on. For once it was NOT ME doing the shopping. Nice, sexy shoes, eh?

And since we're on the subject of shoes...

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