Wide Backings

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Progress, workshop, timmies

Here is a shot of progress.  After I finish with the pukey green thread (which sounds awful but looks very good on many, many quilts) I will move on to the cream thread.

The large corner pieces of the centre medallion.

I was in a workshop on Tuesday with Deborah Beirnes.  She taught a class on scrap quilts and gave us a handout with cutting & piecing instructions for 33 blocks.  Some of the sewing sequences are pretty slick.  She has a very quick method for piecing 9-patch units, and that snail's trail block (bottom right) was made with two squares of fabric.  Deborah is from the St. Jacobs, On. area and can be reached at deborah.beirnes@sympatico.ca .  She put on an EXCELLENT workshop.
I took my little stack of blocks to show mom yesterday.  It makes my visits easier if I have something to show her and to talk about.  Last spring I had a wonderful garden catalogue with lots of colourful pictures that we went through over and over again.  Sometimes I bring a quilt, sometimes photos.  I had to go to the home yesterday to sign an authorization for them to put a seatbelt on her when she's in her wheelchair, because on Monday she got up out of the wheelchair and promptly fell down.  (insert many swear words...)  Apparently seatbelts are a RESTRAINT and not permitted without authorization.  I guess that is technically correct, but c'mon - she's recovering from a broken hip.  Don't you think she should stay sitting unless someone is hanging on to her???  Sheesh.

Anyhow, as per usual I took Tim Hortons tea & timbits, and I got one of the teas FREE from my winning Roll up the Rim.  If you'd like to read a really fun post on an embroiderers blog about Tim Hortons, check out that link.


  1. My mom would have had a fit if I permitted the one home to restrain her. She is so darn independent (stubborn) when it comes to getting in an out of her chair by herself. They all learned to cope.
    I like your blocks and could use a quicker way to make nine patches. I have to make another baby quilt.

  2. Just discovered your blog this morning via google and a search for Quilts of Valour postings -- you came up... So I continued reading your posts and got to this most recent one. Just want to say, I have totally enjoyed the half hour or so skipping lightly through your stories -- I will be back as I am putting you on my RSS feed!


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