Wide Backings

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dragon Baby finished & everybody's health update

Here we go - edges all scalloped.

Using up some of the leftovers on the back.

My favorite way to bind a quilt - stripes or plaids cut on the bias. I know many quilters shudder at the thought of bias strips.  On a curvy edge like this a bias binding is necessary but that is my normal method on all quilts. I seem to get a better result, a flatter finish and no saggy/pulling that I'm prone to with straight cut binding.
Health update.  Let's see:  my arm is coming along, um, well, I guess.  The spots where it was broken hurt just like a bruise would hurt, but everything works.  First thing in the morning my hand is like THE CLAW.  It takes a little while to get things moving.  My thumb still feels like it was sprained during the fall and has not recovered.  sigh.  Patience.  Yesterday I managed to cook supper all by myself!!!  I cleaned and trimmed broccoli (steamed it) and I cleaned and sliced a sweet potato (cooked as oiled and seasoned wedges in the oven) along with baked salmon.  Yum, yum, yum.  Then leftover chocolate cake for dessert.  This past Monday was my birthday which I celebrated with a crummy cold.  I stayed home instead of going to a guild meeting because I was feeling so knocked out.  But I felt the need to celebrate somehow, so I rummaged in the pantry for a box cake mix and started making a bit of noise in the kitchen.  Apparently this made DH feel guilty.  There was an audible sigh from the living room, then he came in the kitchen and finished making the cake for me.  What a sweetie, eh? He even delivered a piece to me (along with a glass of wine) on my sick bed/couch where I was parked watching tv.  My head is starting to clear up now and I am looking forward to lunch with a friend tomorrow and company for supper on Saturday.

Mom had a screw put in her fractured hip on Sunday.  The hospital is sending her back to the home today.  Since I came down with a cold I have mostly stayed away from the hospital but I did go for a short visit at suppertime on Tuesday.  Mom ate three bites of her pureed supper and then got a little testy about eating any more.

Normally she has a very sweet temperament, but she has dementia, she's in a strange place, she's injured, has recently had surgery, and she's trapped in bed.  I think I would be a bit testy too.  Actually I would be a pitiful, sobby mess, but we won't go there.  :-)

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