Wide Backings

Friday, January 13, 2012

appendages & quilt of valour & stash report

It seems I neglected to post a pic of my pretty pink cast. It is very light, made with a fibreglass (?) tape.  The stuff comes prepasted, like wallpaper.  The doc soaks the roll in water for a couple of minutes, then wraps away.  It is still water soluble though, and can't go for a shower.  I had my choice of several colours, which is apparently the new norm.

This may look like my toes, but it is actually one of the many kindnesses I have received since my, um, incident.  Once a month I go to the Personal Care Clinic for torture electrolysis on my steel wool chin hairs.  The clinic also offers foot care, and is where I brought mom when she was still living on her own.  When I explained to Laurie (the owner), about dh's aversion to trimming my nails, she gave me the full treatment on the house.

And, I'm typing this post on a laptop my nephew loaned me for the duration of my incarceration, which he kindly loaded up with wifi, google, and facebook.  On Wednesday, Reverend Ann chauffeured me to guild, even though she is currently battling her own health issues.  On Tuesday, Sue took me on a field trip to Cherished Pieces in Tillsonberg.  The Kinsmen Club brought a huge bunch of carnations over to cheer me up.  Two gals from the guild took Quilts of Valour home for binding, since I can't do that part.  And I already showed you the gift basket from my longarm buddies.  And I would be remiss if I didn't thank dh for the day in, day out, all-day-long stuff he's been taking care of.  (although, right now i would KILL for a washed kitchen floor.  sheesh, some women are never satisfied.)

This is the backing for today's Quilt of Valour.  Um hellooo.... pins???
And, here we have the same issue with the quilt top.  To put a POSITIVE spin on this, I turned on the sewing machine and fixed these all by myself.  Yay me.

It looks to me like this quiltmaker's iron went on vacation along with the pins.  oh, bad helen-mary, bad.
Well, I've done my good deed for the next few months, now that I've quilted three of these QOVs.  However, if you've got a top and backing ready that you are willing to donate to a wounded military serviceman/woman, bring it on over.  The quilting is my donation to the cause.

used this month   15.6 m
used ytd     94.75
added this month   3.7
added ytd  47.7
net 2011 yay - net fabric loss (-47.05 m)

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