Wide Backings

Monday, December 26, 2011

Winter House Quilt, Christmas Panel Quilt

This is a beauty of a winter quilt - houses and trees.

The green border design is Ying Yang from the IQ (I am seriously loving Einstein!!) and the wide red border has a ribbon and star design.  The trees were freehand.

The borders, trees & houses were all s.i.d.  Some snowflakes were added to the background, then filled in with a loopy meander.
This is the easy-peasy quilt I whipped up for Sadies vets. It's a panel with three borders.
It was quilted with a panto of holly berries.  I figure their three kids will fight over it because of the flannel backing - yum - cozy.
Now that I've finished up work for a week or two, around the house has been all about housework.  The window screens came off and got scrubbed, and have been put away in the fruit cellar until spring.  The windows on the main floor and the upstairs have all been cleaned.  I ran out of steam at that point, so I'll do the lower level next week.  I love french doors but they are a friggin' pain in the butt to clean. The sheers were laundered and put back up.  Then it was time to tackle the bathrooms.  Right now, you could lick the walls and eat off the floors.  Hmm, does it sound like we've got company coming?  My d.b. and s.i.l. are home from Calgary and will be staying for the next two nights.  Today I just have to do a little dusting and the usual cleanup in the kitchen.  It is good luck to have a clean house for New Years, isn't it?  Please?

I had Christmas lunch with Mom at 'the home' yesterday.  Was chastised by the floor nurse for calling so late to book my meal (sigh...really?  24 hours is not enough notice?).  Hopefully the tin of homemade biscotti I took for the staff will get me back a few brownie points.  FYI, nursing home turkey dinner is ok.  Nursing home stuffing - nyeah - not so good.  Today I will be back there for Mom's physio.  That will get me out of the house and I can hit up the grocery store (I think they're open today) for a few last minute things for supper.  Tonight for the four of us I'm doing smoked pork chops.  Beach Day Diane fed those to me earlier this year and they were delicious, so I thought I'd try some from our local butcher, Gourmet Meats.  Tomorrow Luke and Mel are also joining us and we'll have perogies.  On Wednesday, I think I'll just have water.  I feel like I've gained twelve pounds already.  Oy.

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