Wide Backings

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

TQS BOM 2009 finished, and my lovely oven

Here is the front - wow, beautiful.

And some details...

Here is the back.

This is my handy-dandy audition helper.  Cello wrap & sharpie markers.  I lay this over the quilt top and doodle designs until I am happy.  Well, maybe not "happy" - sometimes that depends on hormones, eh?  MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE EDGES OF THE WRAP CLEARLY MARKED - DO NOT DRAW ON THE QUILT TOP!!!

Here is my lovely new oven, with no goo left on the doors. 

Oh, and look.  Someone is making cranberry biscotti (from the Martha Stewart web site).  Monica brought some over for me last week, and they were sooo good that apparently I needed a very large batch, all to myself.  Monica went all out and dipped both ends in chocolate, then added icing & sprinkles in red, green and white.  I am not sure I will go that far.


  1. the quilt is fabulous!
    I make cranberry-pistachio Biscotti at Christmas every year-I could eat the whole batch myself, so good!

  2. I also make biscotti yours look great. If you want to see a photo of mine. http://lisamortell.blogspot.com/
    Marry Christmas, Lisa

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for posting all the pictures. It turned out lovely! I love your design choices and may borrow a few when I quilt mine.

  4. Beautiful combination of quilting and piecing. Thankyou for sharing.

  5. Helen, your BOM looks wonderful!


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