Wide Backings

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wholecloth Finished

Wholecloth finished, more than a week after it was started. This is a preprinted Benartex top.  I'm not sure where my customer bought it, but you can get them from the Stencil Company.
Red backing. Beautiful.

Friday was Red Hat day.  Monica arranged for us to go on the Christmas House Tour which is run by the United Church.  This year the organizers contacted the Quilt Guild and asked for our Christmas quilts to include in their decorating.  How much fun was that?  The church ladies also host a lunch as part of the tour, so to do my bit I ate my way through several (!) chocolate and shortbread treats.  Today I went to Zumba class to wear off one or two of the treats.  Then, because I worked out I allowed myself to a piece of pie after supper.  Note to self:  Double check your math - one exercise class does not make up for TWO meals of overeating.

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