Wide Backings

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A visit with the inlaws

We spent the weekend with my inlaws.  I truly love my BIL and SIL and enjoy our (sadly infrequent) visits.  On Saturday we went to the Transportation Museum in Essex (outside of Windsor, On.).  Our day started with breakfast in their 50's styled diner - mmm, bacon & eggs. After wandering through the museum for an hour or two we ended up back in the gift shop.  I am ashamed to call myself a quilter, because I did not even notice these three quilts on the wall.  Well, maybe I noticed them at the same time as my BIL.

They are fabulous.  Click on the pics for a larger photo.  Flo Prince is a quilter from Windsor, On. who made four quilts covering the history of Ford.  All of the cars are appliqued and many are three dimensional.  The little doors open to show teddy bears on the seat, or people inside the cars, or other whimsical details.
I am such a blubber-puss, I started to cry when I read the story of these quilts and I got to the end where it mentioned that Flo was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2004.
It was the quilting that originally caught my eye - it's all done by hand and struck me as being very contemporary.  When I got closer and looked at the applique, that is when my jaw dropped. 

I sure hope the museum knows what a treasure they have.  If you are ever in the area, don't miss an opportunity to see these.  And the museum was really good, too.  :-)


  1. Those are impressive! That is the type of quilt that you likely need lots of time to take in, and I LOVE the imagery she has put in the background....the garages, and street lights and people...they are not hand quilted, are they????

  2. Yes, all hand quilted. The quilting lines are less than 1/2" apart - WELL hand quilted.

  3. Those quilts are amazing! How fortunate that you didn't leave without seeing them. Thanks for sharing them with us!! This is probably the closest I'll get to really seeing them.


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