Wide Backings

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Antique Pinwheels, Halloween, Stash Report

I love antique quilts. Except for a wee bit of wibbly-ness this one quilted up really nicely.

The Binbrook guild meeting was Halloween. A few of us showed TEAM SPIRIT. Or something.? I'm the doper, in case you can't tell.  I had to laugh at how creative I got with stuff I already had in my closet.  And I mean stuff that I normally wear.  I save the black wig for very special occasions.
I can't seem to find a stash report in quite a while, although I am SURE I posted one.  Anyways, here is a several-months update.  Notice how much I added in October?  OMG - at $2.50 per yard I could not say no.  This is all earmarked for quilt backings.
Floyd is out of commission this week.  It seems I burned a flat spot in his motor.  I just happened to have a new motor hanging around (from 2004, if you can believe that!!!).  The new motor is installed, but I need Ricardo to set the timing.  I have a blurry spot in my vision and just cannot do it.  So I will leave that to the expert who is coming after his dentist appointment tomorrow.  That gives me more time to vacuum the house.  Oh, yay.

I've also updated my UFO page.  You can check it out, but there was no progress, outside of pawning off one of my UFOs on someone else.  Heh, heh, heh.

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