Wide Backings

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yee ha - Tobermory Retreat Week

I will leave you with a cute little baby quilt.
Quilted with a strawberry design. I think the pink put me in mind of strawberry ice cream.
I'm heading up to Tobermory for a week with my longarm friends. This is the forecast, which will mean lots of time for sew, eat, drink, gossip, repeat.

I have the salmon purchased, the potatoes dug, and the martini fixin's all ready to go.  As soon as my friend Deb shows up, we're off.  In preparation for a little overindulgence, I was very good and had a spinach salad for lunch.  Home grown spinach and tomatoes, two hard boiled eggs, a hunk of feta cheese crumbled up, and a dressing of olive oil & balsamic vinegar.  Yum yum yum.  Then I blew it by eating the two Reeces Pieces that were sitting on the kitchen table.  sigh.

I'll talk to you in a week.


  1. I am certain you and your group will have a blast....no matter what the weather holds. ENJOY!!!

  2. This little Snoopy clip made my day!! I just love your blog!


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