Wide Backings

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pieces of Baltimore, Stash Report, Z. Report

This is Pieces of Baltimore, a pattern by Pam Bono.
The floral blocks are beautiful.
Quilting these is challenging, but I get great job satisfaction when they are complete.
I have been remiss in posting a Stash Report for the last few months.  This is a combined July and August report.
STASH REPORT (July & August)
Used this month  5.1 m
Used y.t.d.   53.55 m
Added this month  2.25 m
Added y.t.d.  21.25 m
Net 2011  - 32.3 m  yay - lookin' good!!!  I have actually finished - yes, finished, a UFO.  Check the UFO page for details & pics.  My shoulder is a little sore right now from patting myself on the back.

There was no zucchini report last week because there was nothing to report.  Nothing in, nothing out.  THIS week, however...
Picked this week  5
Eaten this week  2
Given away  0
In the Fridge  2
Frozen  0
Compost  0
Total picked YTD  70
Once again, my math is really bad.  This does not compute with the last report - somehow I have lost track of 3 zucchinis.  Maybe Sadie is eating them when my back is turned?  Perhaps someone is composting them without my permission?  I have been lamenting the poor crop of zucchini this year, but when I look at how many I have actually picked I guess I should not complain.  Today I harvested all the white onions.  I'll let them dry out a bit before I stash them down in the fruit cellar, then I'll pull the red onions and give them the same treatment.  I used one of my early cabbage to make two Cabbage Roll Casseroles and a small coleslaw.  Cabbage is kinda like popcorn - when you start slicing it up you get more and more and more and more and....

I also had Red Hat day this week.  Sue organized a trip to the Walden Galleria Mall.  Do you know what store is in that mall?  DESIGNER SHOE WAREHOUSE.  I've had a smile on my face ever since.  :-)  I was very good and limited myself to two pair.  I was even good at the Cheesecake Factory where we had lunch (appetizer Samosas, then one slice of cheesecake.  And I left some of the whipped cream on the plate).


  1. Your quilt is Beautiful!! Love the quilting.....

  2. This a a really cute report. I'll admit that I wondered about the Z. Report. Gosh I was hungry for samosas and decided I also needed a DSW fix when I finished reading. I've made a couple of Pam Bono's designs. Not the beautiful one you've made in Pieces of Baltimore, lovely quilting, goregous quilt. Sandi


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