Wide Backings

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the commission quilt borders & asparagus/cedars

Finally - the top is complete for the commission quilt. Now I'm into the quilting.

The ivory borders are two different sizes.  The sides are 2", while the top & bottom are 4".  I needed to use a quilting design that would fit into both areas.

All the black 1" pieces (borders & sashing) are being stitched in the ditch.  Period.

Here was the design inspiration for the border quilting.  I love the Dover colouring books and have a good collection of them.

Asparagus/Cedars  What the heck is asparagus/cedars, you ask???  I found asparagus plants at the garden centre yesterday (on my way home from the dentist, where she replaced a crown.  Aack!!).  Last night I decided to PLANT the asparagus, thinking (mistakenly) that it was one lonely plant.  I am the one lonely happy-to-eat-asparagus person, so I thought one plant, for me, would be lots.  Well, HELLO - there are TEN plants in the package.   Now I need to find nine friends, but that is a whole 'nother problem.  When I was eyeing the garden, there is only one good spot for the asparagus, and that is where I heeled in the cedar trees I purloined from Carol Anne's last fall. sigh.  Now I cannot put off moving them to their permanent homes any longer, so last night I transplanted the ten cedars.  By then it was 7:30, I was soaking wet from perspiration and bad hose management, and I was hungry.  I quit for the night, went and had supper, and enjoyed my weekly Margaret phone call.  In the wee hours of the morning we had a HUGE thunder storm (possible tornadoes in Hamilton - our neighbour city), so I think my cedars should be happy, happy, happy.  Today is dentist appointment #2 for the crown, and then I'm heading in for the Caledonia guild meeting.  The asparagus will have to wait until tomorrow for planting.  It is too friggin' hot out there today (humidex of 40c), and I can't eat the stuff until next year anyways, so there is no real rush.                     

1 comment:

  1. I love your border design! I've never seen that before.


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