Wide Backings

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Greenery and UFO update

For the UFO update, check the UFO Challenge Page (see above).  I'll warn you now, it's kind of pitiful.

I've taken cuttings from my geraniums. Some of the geraniums live in a planter that goes outside for the summer then moves in to my workroom to keep me cheery for the whole long dreary winter. DH is a big proponent of anything that will keep me cheery. For some reason, he thinks he takes the brunt of my non-cheery bits.  Although,  honestly, I don't know what the hell he's talking about.  I'm always an angel.

Here is a good example of why you should not throw anything out.  I've reused styrofoam trays from meat and styrofoam cups from ??? (memory loss) for my tomato transplants.  On the right is the geranium planter mentioned above.  In the little cell paks are leeks, a couple of lettuce, and some basil.

Here are the geranium hanging baskets that spent the winter in the fruit cellar.  I cut off the plants, let them mostly dry out and then downstairs they go.  Keep them dark so they don't try to grow, and if the soil gets really bone dry give it a wee bit of water.  In the spring it is a crap shoot as far as survival.  This year I seem to have made out ok.  In the old, frightening, roasting pan which has been lined with two layers of plastic you can see used Tim Hortons cups.  Last night I transplanted a couple bunches of cilantro into the cups.  Tonight I'll do the other two bunches.  Paper cups are great for the garden - just  rip off the bottom and plant the whole cup.  There is also a used styrofoam tray that came with... mushrooms (?) and I've used that to start up a batch of mesclun mix.  I will transplant that soon, too.  On a side note - spell check wants that word to be MESCALIN.  Hah!  Then I'd really be cheery, eh??
It's getting very crowded near any south facing window.  If the sun ever comes out (!!!) I'll get my plastic cloches out to the garden and warm up the soil.  Then I can put some of these things outside.  The sooner they go out the sooner I'll be eating.  Yum yum yum.

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