Wide Backings

Friday, March 11, 2011

Give us this day our daily bread...

We bought a huge bag of focaccia buns at Costco on Friday and we had a fresh loaf of bread already on the kitchen counter on Sunday.  So I had to make Rich Rum Sticky Buns instead of experimenting with a nice healthy loaf of bread.  I let the Black & Decker machine do the dough for me this time, because I was busy quilting.  I made a pan of 12 buns and sent 4 over to the neighbours.  (12 - 4 = 8).  DH and I split one, then I took one to the nursing home for Mom.  (8 - 2 = 6).  They were all gone by Tuesday and none of them were eaten by me.  Draw your own conclusions.  Somebody liked them, a lot.

I am heading off for retreat in... about an hour and a half. Or whenever I get my sh*t together.  This is what I hope to get partially done.  Goose In The Pond.  The blocks are 15". 
I spent ALL DAY yesterday going through my quilting books looking for a suitable design (this is a commission piece).  I must say, I love EQ for working out the bugs of a design.  I have EQ5 and will upgrade to EQ7 some time, hopefully soon.  It is way better to spend an extra hour on the computer instead of accidentally making 300 half square units when you really only needed 48.  Or cutting and sewing all the sashing together, only to realize the measurements don't add up any more and the 300 half square units hang off the edge.

I know you are curious - the pea sprouts were good. They finally went in the stir fry last night and added an interesting peanut flavour.  I asked DH if he used Peanut Sauce in the sauce, but he said no.  That only left the pea sprouts.  As an aside, we were discussing my sprouts at guild on Wednesday.  I seem to be the only person who HASN'T grown sprouts before.  I obviously missed that memo?

We've been having rain, rain, rain for the last couple of days.  I saw my first robin yesterday which means spring is on it's way.  Today we have snow/sleet so I hope my drive to Crieff isn't icky.  I am rooming with Doris, who was my traveling companion to Asia two years ago.  We have Anita from Cotton Mill Thread works coming this afternoon with her supply to give us a little shopping break.  Like we need a break from sewing, eating, sewing, eating, sewing, eating.  See ya Sunday...

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