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Monday, February 14, 2011

Baltimore Album Quilt and Guild Bag Swap

Baltimore Album quilt.  This is the raffle quilt for the Stoney Creek Quilters' Guild 2012 show.

Members bought block kits for $10.

They were refunded the $10 when the completed block was returned.

Some of these blocks are so pretty - with added details like embroidery and beading.

At my Caledonia guild we have a February Valentines Bag Swap.  I sent a pattern out to the members back in October.  The bags get filled with $10 worth of 'stuff'.  Anyone who participates gets to choose a bag. 
This (as you have likely figured out already - I know you are pretty smart) is the bag I brought home from the meeting.  The chocolates are all gone already.  Or relocated to my thighs?

DH and I went skating last week at the local arena.  The 'adult' hour is from 12:30 - 1:30 and costs a whole $3 per person.  It's only $2 if you can convince them you are a senior.  And actually, it really only costs if you can find the sweeper guy and give him some money.  There were 4 ladies skating, 2 men skating, and DH and I.  I was the entertainment (translates to:  fell on my arse and slid across the ice).  I am hoping that if I go a few more times I will stop feeling like a bobble-head doll.  When you try to do something (ahem) athletic that you haven't done in, like, more than 20 years, there is a bit of a learning curve.  It's kind of embarrassing that several people have already asked me SERIOUSLY if I am wearing a helmet.  I know I'm bad, but...

1 comment:

  1. The raffle quilt is gorgeous - lucky is the person who wins it. Nice goodies in the swap. Too bad about the embarrassing skating episode but perhaps practice makes perfect... I do hope your hubby didn't laugh.


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