Wide Backings

Thursday, January 20, 2011

White Wholecloth & Bowling with the Red Hats

Every once in a while I get a call from someone with a QUILT EMERGENCY.  This is going to Kenya and still needs to be blessed by the minister, so I did a few extra quilting hours.

Today was Red Hat day.  Our loose schedule is the third Thursday of the month and we all take turns arranging an outing. We went to the new Thai restaurant in town.  Lunch was great but my mouth was burning.  The more I ate, the hotter my mouth got.  I'm glad our wait staff were close by filling up the water glass.  Afterwards, we hit the bowling alley.  We bowled two games, two teams of four.  My team won (no thanks to me).  I think a couple of the gals (on the other team) should be in the minus points category for throwing their balls with two hands from the front line.  Is that even legal???

I thank everyone who has given me encouragement over mom's recent move.  The day went well and mom seems to be settling in all right.  Sis and I went to sign the papers yesterday.  While we were in the office with the administrator, mom was at the monthly birthday party.  They get the cutest cupcakes which are COVERED in a good half inch of icing.  Mom had pink icing all over her nose and mouth - she just dives right in there when there is something sweet on the table.  There was a fella playing the guitar and singing for an hour.  He played some good oldies that the party goers really enjoyed.  It made me wonder what they'll be playing when I'm in the nursing home.  Elton John tunes?  ZZ Top?

1 comment:

  1. You've done some wonderful work on that quilt. It's lovely.
    Nice to see people out bowling. I think the young ones don't know what bowling is.


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