Wide Backings

Saturday, January 1, 2011

UFO Challenge & my New Year's Post

Check the UFO page (see above) for my January project.
While I was LOOKING for my January project I also found some more, um, treasures.  Seven more black & cream blocks (I thought I only had 5) which is changing my plan for that little UFO project.  And several extra blocks from our bed quilt (which has been on the bed since 2003).  I'm not sure what I will do with those, so I reburied them in the scary place where they came from.  Bad Helen, bad.

Today it's very warm (11 c.) and pouring rain.  But we have friends coming for dinner, so that will bring some sunshine, figuratively speaking.  The house is clean, I washed the car yesterday (hence the rain), and removed all the window screens and cleaned the windows.  That is a great way to start the new year.

Rabbi Bernard Baskin is a wonderful Hamiltonian who has an occasional article in the local paper.  Part of his latest column says the following:

"May you recognize the difference between what you will need and what you will want, and may what you want not spoil the delight of what you have."

That is definitely going up on my wall to keep me grounded this year.  Happy New Year to you.

1 comment:

  1. I love the saying and I have already broken my ideas of just using what I have and not purchasing any more fabric. BUT, in my defence, the three new fat quarters may be going to a new grandchild's quilt so it's not for me.


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