Wide Backings

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stash Report & Quilting & Movie Review

Stash report

Used this week: 5.5 m
Used year to date: 16.5 m
Added this week: 0
Added year to date: 0
Net for 2011 down: 16.5 m

And what have I used all this fabric on???  The above quilt, which is for the Morning Out class.  I started the quilting yesterday and hope to finish it in time for Monday's guild meeting show & share.  Lord willing and the creek don't rise.  DH is in charge of the kitchen while I'm on these manic missions.  I just ask him to throw food down to me occasionally.

I also finished an Underground Railroad quilt this week.  Love samplers.

And I REALLY love that border fabric.

Last night we watched The Fighter with Mark Wahlberg.  Stinker. Save your money.  They (?) must have paid someone to get a nomination for Best Picture.  I have no idea why the story seemed compelling enough for anyone to invest millions of dollars to put it to film. 

In retaliation for the man movie, I'm looking forward to tonight's Hallmark movie on tv.  I've got my kleenex all ready.


  1. I just found your blog and I must say your machine quilting is AMAZING! You do such a wonderful job!

  2. I stumbled upon your blog. I was intrigued by your keeping tabs on how much fabric you use, purchase, and such. Love the photos. Your comments are a hoot! Keep it up, I'm sure I will be a frequent visitor. - Cathy from Arizona

  3. Huh? What Hallmark movie. I watched the last installment of Masterpiece theatre 'Downton Abbey' and I really have to go back and watch last year's part one and the first installment of part 2. I saw 3 out of the 4 this month and I am hooked. Wonderful show, great characters and super story line.

  4. The sample is simply beautiful! :)


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