Wide Backings

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One UFO down and another started & Mom news

New UFO (well, actually now it's a TFUQ). This is the quilt I'll be teaching at Morning Out starting at the end of February. I saw this on Judy Laquidara's site and got her permission to write a pattern. I love the pinwheel blocks that look like ribbons around the outside.

This is a completed UFO. Yaaay. I did this after Christmas and now it's waiting for a home. The top was made by one of my customers - I gave her a grocery bag of my scraps and a few weeks later she brought me back two tops. It isn't particularly pretty but it has some really cute prints in it. Gives it quite a bit of charm.

And, on the MOM front: Mom finally has a bed at a long term care facility. In spite of the snow (!) we'll be moving her on Thursday. The new place is really nice, where she'll have a private room with her own bathroom and two choices of entree at mealtime. Even the front lobby is large and inviting with a big aquarium and lots of reading material. We have the moving plan figured out to (hopefully) cause the least amount of distress. I can't risk TELLING Mom she's moving because she will decide she is just fine where she is and she's not going anywhere! !. So I will bribe her (ok, lie to her) and tell her we're going out for lunch.  If you are silently tsk tsk-ing me, just wait until YOUR Mom is 90, then come talk to me.  My sister is meeting us at the new place and she will take over getting Mom settled and have lunch with her in the new dining room. While she is doing that, DH and I will go back to the old 'home' and collect her personal items & her chair & table and relocate them to her new place. At some point in there sis & I will be signing all the paperwork, which includes (seriously!) an authorization for the beauty parlour.  When I get home after that I will most likely fall into a pail of Vanilla Martinis (equal parts vodka and Navan liqueur {which you should only buy at the Duty Free because it is kind of expensive}).  I don't know who is going to do this for me when I'm old.  Kinda scary.


  1. You are definitely doing the right thing with your Mom. I had to move my Dad to an assisted living facility 2 1/2 years ago, and we didn't tell him either. Got it all set up, brought him there, ate with him, and my DH spent the first night with him there. The staff told me it could take 30 days for him to adjust... but adjust he did and he's so much better there. Good luck with the move and know it's for the best even if it's hard for a few weeks.

  2. OMG I feel for you. I had to do it a couple of years ago. Mom was actually in the hospital at the time with the flu or something and I knew that there was no way she could go back to living on her own. I won't tell you what all precipitated this but it was a bunch of different episodes over a number of months/years. My mom is now 91 going on 92 in May and this place really does look after all their residents well. This is actually the third place she's been in (the way the system works I had to get her in the system first.)

  3. Helen, I know this will one day be me, and I'm not looking forward to it. My mom is 83 and is fighting leukemia. I live in Ca and she lives in WI. It is really hard. Thank God we have quilting and adult beverages for therapy! Mary in the mountains


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