Wide Backings

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tobermory Retreat

Deb tried to fool me by arriving to pick me up 15 minutes early.  Hah!  I was ready.

It took no time at all for us to cover two tables with sewing machines, OTT lights and alcoholic beverages.  We were evenly split:  3 Pfaffs and 3 antique Featherweights.

 Spike was reading the latest Jennifer Chiaverini novel.

A Kodak moment.  We decided to have afternoon cocktails on the lower deck.

It was a gorgeous day and the deck was wind-free long enough to enjoy one drink. 

We're a funny bunch of six longarm quilters who have been friends for, like, ten years now.  I came home with a beaded bracelet, a wee lunch box filled with sewing supplies, a new handbag, a lovely glass pear shaped candy dish, and a few extra pounds.  I'm making Santa Fe Chicken for supper tonight since Carol Anne kindly sent out her recipe tout suite (that is French for quick-as-a-wink).  During the week I went for two walks (on the lookout for rattlesnakes.  Yes.), finished two blocks from the local quilt shop's $10 quilt, made a pair of mittens, and completed a Mile-a-Minute quilt top I've been working on for the past year.  Oh yeah, I had to make the beaded bracelet.  Also (with a bit of assistance) finished off one bottle of Pink Bikini-tini, one bottle of Smirnoff Grand Cosmopolitan, and one bottle of my home made hooch.  Really though, I think what killed me was the night of the three cheesecakes.  I'm now on two-meal days for a while until I can do my pants up again.

1 comment:

  1. I see you had a great time - and you managed to accomplish a few things.


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