Wide Backings

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Circle Lord Class & Billionaire Copycats

Yesterday I had two longarmers over for a lesson on the Circle Lord. This is a clip of the sample piece. In any empty areas I filled in with flowers. It has a snuggly flannel back, so I will bind and wash it, then donate it to Victim Services. Some little kid will like it.

Here are some of the billionaires who signed The Giving Pledge. If you missed the news article, here's a link. These folks have obviously heard about MY generous donations every year. How many of you have been in oh-so-grateful receipt of zucchinis??? Truly. The rich guys are giving in the only way they can. Sadly, it's just cold, hard cash.

Aww, enough silliness. I am totally pumped about this.
Thinking about all the good that can come of this money really warms my heart. Share the wealth.

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