Wide Backings

Friday, July 16, 2010

Social Events

I've had a busy week, with TWO social functions. (yes, when you work at home, two outings is cause for celebration).
Wednesday was sewing day at the Caledonia Guild. I made a postcard and a handbag. The handbag includes a non-centered pocket. I was so busy matching the pattern on the fabric I didn't realize just how far off the pocket was. Better luck next time, eh?
The postcard is a birthday card for a friend of mine. Hopefully she'll get the card before she sees the blog.Thursday was Red Hat day. One of our members had us over for spiked punch and cherry cheesecake. In typical RH fashion we had our dessert first, with lunch appetizers afterwards. We played this fun dice game (left, right, centre) and I won one of the games. Woo Hoo $6.75 !!!

Much to DH's delight, I have also given away 9 zucchinis this week. I may torture him tonight though. I probably have 4 more in the garden ready to pick. Hmm, shall I slice them? Dice them? Stuff them? Bake? Saute? Ooohh, the choices are endless. ....I wandered off here for a while searching the internet for a funny picture of mutant zucchinis taking over the world (or even a backyard) but I had no luck. You will have to use your imagination today. Sorry.

Last night's supper was healthy & yummy. Spinach-from-the-garden salad with hard cooked eggs & raspberries-from-the-neighbours'-garden, served with buttermilk biscuits-from-Reverend Ann. I am on a mission to eat our way to the bottom of the freezer. Tonight I think I'll make crock pot barbeque with some stewing beef that's been frosting up since probably January. And the zucchini, of course. :-)

1 comment:

  1. First off, I like the bag with the off centre pocket. It is an original and secondly, I thought of zucchini bread right off. Why not make several and freeze them. (I hope they freeze well). You can send some this way since my neighbour only gives me about one every year.


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