Wide Backings

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Retreat Roundup

What a beautiful week at Margaret's in the Kawarthas. It was HOT and SUNNY and her deck looks out over a lake (of unknown name). The dock was installed but the boat was still in storage so we didn't make it as far as the water, but nevertheless...

The Buckhorn guild hosted me as the guest speaker. I presented a slide show of my trip to the Tokyo Great International Quilt Festival 2009. In the afternoon I taught a postcard workshop. You could entertain yourself for quite a while coming up with a caption for this photo.

I was on supper duty so I'm making sure the guests will enjoy their meal. Get 'em soused is my philosophy, then everything tastes good.

I was back at work on Monday. The first day back never goes quite as well as you'd like.

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