Wide Backings

Friday, March 19, 2010

Panel Quilts

These two quilts are made from panels - cut apart and sashed. Too cute! The first one is all chefs. I quilted that with swirls in the sashings.

The second is all sewing ladies. That got a treatment of hearts. I just love the variegated thread on black fabric. These quilts were just pots of fun to work on.POST-RETREAT WEIGHT LOSS UPDATE
Lunches of salad & hard boiled eggs maintained for three days. Down two pounds. Yaay!

Wednesday night: out for supper to the Erie Beach Hotel for a perch dinner. Uh oh. One peanut butter/chocolate chip cheesecake ordered for dessert.

Thursday: unseasonally WARM weather is prompting summer-like behaviour. Uh oh. After a nice long walk (good girl!) we went to Hewitts Dairy for ice cream cones. Mmmm - small Strawberry Cheesecake cone.

Friday: my weight shall remain a mystery today. I will save the scale for tomorrow. Maybe I will spend another 6 minutes on the torture machine today?


  1. Oh my Goodnesss, how could you do this to me??? here I sit in my new (5 years) home near Ottawa...and you had to mention the Erie Beach!!! Did you have perch and the celery bread?? You are a very lucky woman!!!!LOL

  2. Beautiful quilts - great quilting! I love the sashing treatment on both, particularly the hears in the variegated thread.


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