Wide Backings

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Firewood silliness, QOV

Paw sez no supper fer me 'til after the chores 'r dun.

Another Quilt of Valour heading out the door.

I've been reading a pretty funny book by Stuart McLean: Extreme Vinyl Cafe. There is a chapter in there about funeral arrangements. I have already told my quilting friends and DH that I expect someone to play "I'll Get By With A Little Help From My Friends". I am still waffling over whether I want the Beatles' version or Joe Cocker's version. I may demand request them both. But now I think I also want the Chicken Dance. I think it would be fun to watch (from wherever I am) all 5 people at my service doing a dance just for me.

The lottery was 41 million dollars a week or so ago. I sent a promise out to the universe that if I won I would take my guild shoe shopping: to DSW at the Walden Galleria Mall. I guess I didn't sent a loud enough message. Maybe YOU could send a message too - if I win big I'll rent a couple of buses and we can all go. What a hoot - a zillion women in there with a big blank cheque. The thought of that should send you to bed tonight with a big smile on your face.

1 comment:

  1. Very neat how similar all that firewood looks to that lovely quilt. makes me see all kinds of design ideas. I am doing a strip quilts soon, and I think those ideas could fit into my project.


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