Wide Backings

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to meee....

This past Saturday was my birthday and we're not discussing which birthday, ok? I find the more I (ahem!) mature, the more I value my women friends. You may notice the high percentage of 'shoe' cards in the photo. And you can easily tell which one was from DH.
I spent my day at a SOLO meeting (Southern Ontario Longarm Operators) in Niagara-on-the-Lake. I was a little bummed out over the weather. We've had absolutely NO snow for months, but this week we get a huge forecast for 20 cm. with 70 km/hr. winds. This prevented three of my out-of-town friends from coming - they were to come early on Friday and spend the night, then all of us go to Saturday's meeting. I had this whole pajama party planned. pout pout. The fourth out-of-towner made it down on Saturday and was able to spend some time with her b & s.i.l. in Ancaster, AND come to the meeting.

The meeting at Jane Sandercock's (with assistance from Kristyn McCoy) was a huge success. Jane now has 3 Gammill machines so we were able to play. Jane will be teaching Longarm Quilting both at her studio and at the new quilt shop opening soon in St. Catharines. She had a thread rep from Aurifil Threads there tempting everyone with her luscious wares. Quilters who become longarmers pick up a new addiction and turn into thread junkies. Honestly?... Jane had more thread than the thread rep.

We had show 'n tell, show 'n help me please, info about classes by the CMQA, talked about batting, talked about thread, gossiped, and ate. Pot luck - yum. Debbie brought a birthday cake and candles, for moi, and they all sang. Jane and Kristyn made me wear a birthday crown so I would remember who was Queen for the Day. They also gave me a beautiful bouquet of Gerbera Daisies.

However, my ORIGINAL comment was about my women friends. I had the best day with the girls. Most of us work in isolation and sometimes the creative well runs pretty dry. Spending these precious hours with like-minded souls gives us a chance to vent, question our abilities, find a better way of doing things or decide NOT to do some things. It was interesting to hear Jane talk about her struggle with building a web site - I am going through the same struggle. Technology - ick!

The day ended all too soon but hopefully Jane will have us all back again... soon.


  1. Sounds like you had a great birthday!!

  2. Ohhhh, I missed this post. Happy belated birthday. I hope all went well and maybe you can celebrate now that it's a weekend. (hic, sorry 'bout that - I'll celebrate for you then.)

  3. Helen Mary.. a belated happy birthday I hope it was a good one. Found you through Quilters bloggers I am not far from your home...well not really far..
    Have a great day!!

  4. We had so much fun that day and thank you for my thank you card! I love it.


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