Wide Backings

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Quilts, Retreat & Sudoku

Here are today's terrible photos - none of them too clear I'm afraid. Lovely scrappy quilts though!

Today was cold and windy enough that I finally lit a fire in my workroom. (in the fireplace, not under my butt) I'm very very excited that next week I'm going away for a few days - up to Tobermory with some quilting buddies. Here's a link to the cottage we will be at. I will give you a full report on my return. I need to decide what project to bring. Should I start something new? Should I finish the Stack 'n Whack from... like 8 years ago? Should I just bring a good book? Hmm, decisions, decisions. I need to make a donation quilt in the next few weeks so I will likely bring that and get the top (hopefully) done.

My new personal challenge is mastering Sudoku puzzles. The newspaper game starts easy on Monday and gets progressively more difficult. So far I've managed Monday Tuesday & Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm out with friends so I'll skip that one. Friday I may just burn the newspaper in the fireplace, hmm?


  1. Hah! That's not exactly what I would call a cottage. Very nice though and I suppose if one were 'roughing it' that is the way to go. Have fun.
    I suppose it's after the turkey cooking and eating?

  2. What a lovely place to spend a few days with your sewing buddies!


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